
Artist-in-Residence: Alana Tibbets

Mixed-Media Sculptures

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The use of hybrid entities (combinations of human and animal characteristics) in mythology and storytelling is ancient. Cultures throughout human history have used such creatures as metaphors for human experiences and as allegories for social interactions.

The combination of relatability and seriousness of hybrid characters makes them an effective method to advance a message, hence their continued prevalence in popular culture.

The purpose of my sculptures is to spark imagination. Ideally, viewers will recognize a relationship between themselves and the artworks, and make connections between their lives and those of living birds. I design programs that use my art as a gateway to further discovery. I utilize collage (both fabric and paper), poetry, map-building and book arts. I encourage participants to discover a point of connection and feel free to follow it in an unique artistic journey.

Tibbets maintains the following tenets:

  • Giving the viewer permission to relate to the artwork in any way that has meaning to their lives at that point in time.
  • Promoting a sense of playfulness and joy.
  • Encouraging discovery into the science behind our knowledge of the natural world.

Videos of Alana Tibbet's Art Installation

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